Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Simple Tips to Keep Your Car Clean, Tidy and Organised

Some car owners are extremely particular about their cars being spotlessly clean, while some should probably have a board mentioning- No Food Allowed! Juggling between kids, pets and a large family, keeping a car clean is quite a tedious task, after all. If you are wondering how your car could be sparking clean, worry not. Here are a few tips to keep your car neat and clean, without going crazy yourself.

•    Keep a vacuum cleaner handy - A car specific vacuum cleaner is a must in every car. This is a small dirt magnet that will reach into the tiny grooves and bring out things that are not visible to the naked eye even. You can use a vacuum cleaner once a week on the car.

•    Clean the car every 2 weeks at least - Make sure you get to do a quick clean up yourself probably every two weeks. Look out for chocolate wrappers or little scraps of paper that add to the clutter.

•    Keep paper or plastic bags handy - If you have kids, then this is the first thing that needs to be kept in the car. Anyone suffering from motion sickness will have no fear, and neither will you, when it comes to keeping the stains off the upholstery.

•    Air fresheners are a must - no one likes a stink, so keep them at bay with a light, air freshener in the car.

•    Emergency cleaning kit - Put together a cleaning kit with stuff that you may think is handy. This could include plastic bags, paper towels (wet and dry), a bristled brush and a cleaning solution.

•    First Aid kit - Most cars come with a first aid kit, but if it isn’t there then make sure you do have one. Injuries and other emergencies don’t come with a time- frame and blood spots are not nice to have in the car in any case!

•    Regular car servicing - While this may be an expensive deal, it is worth it if you don’t have time to keep the car clean yourself. You might need to take your car to servicing every six months, unless otherwise specified. It is important to keep note of the servicing dates so that you are not late. Your car requires servicing time to time. Regular car servicing helps your car going for a longer time.

•    Organize your things - look out for a back seat organizer that can be strapped onto the seat. This is very handy especially if you need to stack CDs, car papers or other general stuff that you need in the car on a daily basis. This way, they won’t be all over the place, and your car will be better organized. Also keep a notebook and pen in there; you never know when you might need to pen down something quickly!

While you might fear the work load in the beginning, cleaning your car isn’t that difficult. Once you get things going, it takes only a few minutes a day to keep your car clean.


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