At a time the global fuel reserves can barely hold on for a century or so longer, the cost of petrol spiralling upwards is a common phenomenon in several countries. If you’re paying your taxes, you’re probably worried about the mileage of your car as well.
While some car models outdo others when it comes to fuel economy, there’s a lot you can do by taking the proper precautions. Yes, switching off the air conditioner when not required or going at around 40 miles an hour without changing gears can significantly up the fuel mileage of the car.
Getting the best out from your car, no matter how old it is
Here are a few tips to stop you from running to the petrol pump every few minutes just to get your car started. These tips are like simple DIY at home type of tricks, which will ensure that your car remains in great condition while caring for it at home:
• Tyre Pressure- Every little thing in your car when not taken care of, takes a toll on the fuel in some way or the other. It was observed that when your car’s tyre pressure is not up to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure, it can cost you almost 7% in wasted petrol!
• Type of Tyre- Manufacturers today even make tyres according to the customer’s preference, so selling you low-resistance tyres is something that they have been doing for a while now. These tyres offer less resistance when the tyres are being rolled on the road surface, which means less overall effort, contributing to lesser load on the main engine.
• Spark Plugs- Due to regular combustion and misfiring and short circuits, your car’s spark plugs can get worn out very quickly. So address it early to save on time and to save on money. Don’t wait for the car to reach a certain amount in kilometres to change the spark plugs, because by then your car would be worn out in any case. So it is always better to do it earlier on.
• Change Air Filter- Did you know that dirty air is filtered out through the engine every now and then? Well, if you didn't know that, you probably do not know that clearing out a clogged air filter can benefit you so much so that it increases the acceleration of your car by 6% to 11% as well. Some statistics even claim that you can save up to 15 cents per gallon just by changing out air filters regularly.
• Watch your foot! A heavy foot causes heavy problems for your car! Hard acceleration and frequent stopping and starting of the car too can cause your car a lot of discomfort. It is calculated to even cost you 20% more to do this activity.
• Maintain Speed while Driving- using your cruise control is actually a very smart idea. Accelerating faster in certain times and slowing down in some can actually be quite a killer in terms of hitting petrol levels.
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